Recycling Program: Feed a Zombie, not a landfill
Local 9 year old, Smith Hemsley, is an award-winning innovator of recycling and sustainability. At Cariad Wellness, we are proud to call him a friend, and to be supporting his work.
We have become the proud host of the box you see in the image above. We collect specific items for Smith's recycling program, which was lovingly titled after one of his favourite video games, Plants vs Zombie's.
Please call by our office to donate the following used and empty items:
Pens and pen caps
Mechanical pencils
Markers and marker caps
Highlighters and highlighter caps
Dry erase markers and marker caps
Permanent markers and caps
For more information about Smith and his award, check out the article below:
Feed a Zombie, Not a Landfill: Meet the 8-year-old leading the way in Burnaby’s sustainability efforts (